Thanks for visiting the home-home-on-the-web of author Sara Beitia. Pretty much all that's fit to tell (about me, anyway) is right here. Stay tuned.
sabeitia AT gmail DOT com
Questions, shout-outs, book recs, grammar help, and offers of vintage stationery are perennially welcome.
About Me
- books liker - coffee drinker - snacks needer - the opposite of tall be-er

Praise for The Last Good Place of Lily Odilon:
Selected for YALSA's 2011 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults List
From Booklist: "This debut novel boasts a strong narrative drive, deft scene setting, and isn’t bad at delivering catch-your-breath suspense, either."
From The Bookmonger: "Beitia has written a fascinating, slow-burn thriller ...[t]his portrayal of alienated youth feels heartbreakingly true."
From Kirkus: "[T]his noir thriller hooks readers with realistic dialogue, fully fleshed characters and plenty of twists. Terrific to the last, good page."
From VOYA: "Hopefully, Beitia will write other mysteries for Albert, he is too good a character to lose."
From PW: "[A] journey well worth taking."
Selected for YALSA's 2011 Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults List
From Booklist: "This debut novel boasts a strong narrative drive, deft scene setting, and isn’t bad at delivering catch-your-breath suspense, either."
From The Bookmonger: "Beitia has written a fascinating, slow-burn thriller ...[t]his portrayal of alienated youth feels heartbreakingly true."
From Kirkus: "[T]his noir thriller hooks readers with realistic dialogue, fully fleshed characters and plenty of twists. Terrific to the last, good page."
From VOYA: "Hopefully, Beitia will write other mysteries for Albert, he is too good a character to lose."
From PW: "[A] journey well worth taking."